There is abundant evidence that students do better at school when parents show an interest in their achievements and when parental involvement in school life is evident. Shalom has a record of very strong parental involvement in all aspects of the College. Parents are always welcome at school activities and functions. The school has a pastoral College Board consisting of representatives of parents, teachers and the school administration. This body gives advice and formulates policies which provide academic, spiritual and financial direction to the school.
As parents of a Shalom College student you are automatically a member of the P & F Association. Friends of the P & F are persons known to and formally recognized by the school community. Catholic Education invites all parents to share in P & F activities and in so doing promote development of the school community by personal participation.
The P & F Association meets at the school every first Tuesday of the month during school terms at 6.00 pm. Please use the News tab at the side of the page for minutes, agendas and other meeting information. All parents and friends are most welcome and indeed encouraged to attend the monthly meeting.
To support the College Principal as leader of our school community.
To support the Shalom school community - the P & F body, students and staff in providing the best possible learning environment based on Catholic principles.
To provide a valuable forum for parental involvement in the school community to include education and other supports.
The general committee is made up of interested members representing all year levels and all areas of interest of the Shalom Community e.g. academia, sporting, social, fund raising etc. This committee assists all P & F endeavours, in particular being responsible for seeking support from other parents and regular attendance at P & F meetings is desirable.
Helping Hands supports Shalom families during times of bereavement and crisis; we provide healthy, hearty meals and financial support by way of gift vouchers. For further information please contact Campus Minister, Mrs Cheryl Petersen on Ph 41558111 or the Shalom College P & F Association at