Welcome to the Shalom College website. Our school is situated close to the Queensland coast five hours drive north of the State capital, Brisbane.
Shalom College provides Catholic secondary education for both boys and girls from the Bundaberg region. Its one thousand, five hundred students are offered a diverse curriculum in a modern, well-equipped rural school. Shalom College was established in 1984 after the closure of the Christian Brothers College for boys and Loyola College for girls. It enrols students of all faiths whose parents choose an education based on Christian values in the Catholic tradition.
The College offers both academic and vocational subjects. It is divided into a Middle School (Years 7, 8 and 9) and a Senior School (Years 10, 11 and 12). While some choice of subjects is available in the Middle School, students concentrate on Core Studies (English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities) and Religious Education. In the Senior School, students may choose subjects according to their interest and abilities – though English, Mathematics and Religious Education remain compulsory. On the completion of Year 12 most students proceed with further education at a University or a College of TAFE.
Shalom also offers a wide range of co-curricular activities including instrumental music, choirs, interschool sport, retreats and camps and various clubs and societies. Information technology is a strong component of the curriculum.
Enquiries are welcome from prospective parents. Most enrolments are processed at the beginning of the year before the commencement of Year 7. You are invited to continue to explore our website for further information about Shalom College and its many features.
Mr Dan McMahon, Principal