Uniform & Grooming Policy 

  1. The correct uniform is to be worn between home and school and on other occasions as required.
  2. Students must be neatly and appropriately dressed.
  3. All items must be clearly and permanently marked with student’s name.
  4. School shoes must be plain black traditional leather College lace-up style. Black leather sneakers, joggers, suede, dance or any other fashion shoes are unacceptable.
  5. Shoes without laces are not permitted and shoes must be clean and polished at all times.
  6. Sport shoes are not worn with the regular day uniform.
  7. Hats must be worn at all times outside of the classroom including; before school, between classes, break times, Tuckshop, waiting for buses/parents/guardians, walking to and from school.
  8. Jumper: Red College V-Neck Pullover, Blue Spray-Jacket or Red Formal Blazer.
  9. Students are not allowed to wear their sports uniform to school, in place of the formal uniform.
  10. In special circumstances students may be given permission to wear the sports uniform.

Personal Presentation 

The Shalom College Community has worked over many years to instil in its students a strong sense of pride in wearing the uniform. Any student whose appearance does not meet College expectations will be asked to immediately rectify the situation. This may involve time out of breaks.

Formal Uniform 


  • College Grey Long Trousers with a plain black leather belt/buckle.
  • Blue shirt with College Crest on pocket (tucked in at all times).
  • Year 7 to 11: Navy tie with crest (worn Terms 2 & 3).
  • Year 12: Presentation tie (worn all year).
  • Top button must be done up at all times when wearing ties.
  • Year 12: ‘Senior Jacket’ can be worn with Formal Uniform & Sports Uniform
  • Year 12: ‘Senior Jersey’ can only be worn with Sports Uniform
  • College grey socks with "Shalom" embroidered.
  • College Hat.


  • Years 7, 8 & 9 Girls: Check Dress or Check Blouse with Long Navy Shalom Trousers.
  • Years 10, 11 & 12: White blouse and tie with Check Skirt hemmed well below the knee and worn at waist level, or Long Navy Shalom Trousers.
  • Years 10, 11 & 12: May choose to wear the Check Dress
  • Flesh/white coloured underwear to be worn under blouse.
  • Years 10 & 11: Button on navy tie.
  • Year 12: Presentation tie.
  • College short white socks with blue bands.
  • Blue stockings from the College Uniform Shop.
  • College Hat.

Sports Uniform 

  • Black sports shorts from the College Uniform Shop.
  • Designated House Polo shirt.
  • College sports hat; either cap or bucket hat.
  • Sports shoes; non-marking sole. Suitable shoes include running shoes, court shoes and cross trainers. NO street shoes or casual trainers.
  • College sports socks; white with red band and "Shalom" embroidered.
  • Rugby League Uniform worn for the subject and training only. 


  • A Christian Cross may be worn on a fine chain (not oversized or decorative).
  • Girls may wear one set of earrings in ear lobe: plain silver or gold studs (no more than 1/2cm in diameter); gold or silver sleepers.
  • Clear/coloured stones, pearls etc. are not permitted.
  • Rings, bracelets and necklaces are not permitted.
  • Boys are not permitted a piercing and girls no additional piercings, including plastic or clear studs.


  • Years 7-9: Makeup not permitted.
  • Years 10-12: light coverage (foundation or powder).
  • Years 7-12: mascara, blush and lip gloss are not permitted.


  • Acrylic or gel nails are not permitted.
  • Nail polish must not be worn.
  • Eyelash extensions or false eyelashes are not permitted.
  • Eyebrows must be left natural.



  • Neat and tidy at all times.
  • Colour should be natural.
  • Colour should be natural in tone. 
  • Girls with long hair (once on collar) must be tied back with a black hair band, and either red, black, navy blue or white ribbons: no other colour.
  • Shorter ‘bob’ styles are permitted without being tied back. These must not be touching the collar.
  • Dreadlocks, mullets, rats’ tails, “horseys”, or shaved patterns are not permitted.
  • Blade 2 is the shortest length acceptable.


  • Neat and tidy at all times.
  • Colour should be natural
  • Colour should be natural in tone.
  • Boys may have longer hair, but it must be tied back once it has reached the top of the collar.
  • Hair bands must be black.
  • Undercuts permissible with the top of the hair tied back (blade 2 minimum).
  • Dreadlocks, mullets, rats’ tails, “horseys” and shaved patterns are not permitted.
  • Blade 2 is the shortest length acceptable.
  • Boys must be clean shaven (no growth, moustaches or beards).
  • Part line haircuts acceptable - fringe needs to be cut above the eyes.
  • Boys’ sideburns should be no longer than earlobes.


Visible tattoos are not permitted.

Free Dress Days

On free or themed dress days, it is still a requirement to be dressed modestly and safely for school. The following would be deemed inappropriate:

  • Multiple piercings or jewellery.
  • Plunging necklines, bare shoulders or midriffs.
  • Visible bras or spaghetti strap tops or dresses (sun safe shirts with sleeves and a collar preferable).
  • Short cut off shorts or skirts.
  • Clothing with inappropriate writing, slogans or graphics.
  • Thongs or sandals (closed in shoes necessary).

Sun safety must be taken into consideration – shirts should have collars as well as sleeves.