Each year Shalom College offers students the opportunity to participate in several extra-curricular activities (namely excursions/trips that have an immersion focus such as Cambodia, Japan, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, ACTs camps etc). These provide our students with a wonderful range of experiences and opportunities to connect with, build upon and broaden their understanding of the wider world; enabling them to explore their passions/interests and further develop their chosen skills. Unique experiences, such as these, nurture future connections and continue to inspire our students to strive towards their personal goals.
While participation in such activities is elective, the costs associated with travel to these activities may present challenges for families who are experiencing long term or unanticipated personal or financial hardship.
The Shalom College Support Scholarship Program is an opportunity for families experiencing such hardship to reach out for a helping hand and seek financial assistance for a Shalom Student who has indicated a commitment to participate in such activities. This scholarship will be provided by the Shalom Parents and Friends (P&F) Association up to the value of 50% of the travel cost for the trip.
The scholarship is designed to support students of good standing within the College and recognises the personal benefit the immersion aspects that such activities/trips provide. These experiences enable those attending to engage in service learning and personal growth exploring the key pastoral ethos of the school. Namely, caring for those in need in very practical ways and to be inspired to reach personal goals. Successful applicants will be expected, upon return, to share their experiences within the College community (e.g. on school assembly or at subsequent information events) and inspire fellow students to contribute to the Shalom Community and enrich the lives of others and themselves through participation in and support of future activities.
Please refer to the Shalom Scholarship Guidelines and Rules document for more details.